Sometimes finding your way goes through a period of being lost. I always dreamed of NYC. Raised on “Sex and the City” and “Friends”, I had this vision of this city being the one I was meant to live in. These photos taken by the incredibly nice and talented Alicia Swedenborg were how I imagined my life being in NYC of course. Damn you Carrie Bradshaw!
As I was graduating with my Master after completing Science Po I started working there in an office job at Universal Music and hated every second of it. I was so confused: I was where I meant to be and never felt more bored in my life. Being in an office with hardly any human contact but emails or notes on my desk was not how I envisioned my life. As I was watching my stressed out colleagues feeling the pressure of their mortgage, the commute to the suburbs, the financial goals to reach for each meeting, I had the clear vision that I needed to not engage in this life. Really to not engage at all. Not even to see if it will get better or easier or if I will get used to be bored. I had to be out of this life.
I stayed one year to get a taste of NYC and by the next summer I was back in Paris. Starting over. I never regretted my 6 years in school meant to get the dream position, there were my best years of fun with friends and traveling. But I knew the office job wasn’t for me. I needed to do my own thing, not to impress a boss or please my parents.
Sometimes you need to listen to your inner voice. Like for a cute guy, sometimes you know when you should stay or run right?